New short fiction out

I’ve just contributed a short story, The Tattoist’s Mother, to issue 6 of the Amphibian literary journal. The theme was ‘Healing’, and it reminded me just how much I love writing short stories. There’s something incredibly satisfying about a finite piece of work, even though that doesn’t mean you (I) Read more…

Taking off…

I’ve been thinking and talking with other writers, and some non-writers, or would-be-writers-if-they-could-stop-prevaricating-and-just-get-on-with-it…. about- Getting on with writing! It’s taken me ages to learn what works best for me, and these can be narrowed down to: Works for me. Take off every time.

Autumnal writing…

This week, I have been going to new places with both writing and exploring the countryside for inspiration, and one feeds into the other. It’s a circular thing in fact; I write a bit, I go out and see or hear something that inspires me, I write about it, regardless Read more…

This week I am mostly…

… editing my novel.  I haven’t written prose for a few years- I’ve been immersed in playwriting for so long that some major things have begun to emerge as the differences between the two. They might seem obvious but they’ve been interesting to me to explore…  This all feels wonderful Read more…