New short fiction out

I’ve just contributed a short story, The Tattoist’s Mother, to issue 6 of the Amphibian literary journal. The theme was ‘Healing’, and it reminded me just how much I love writing short stories. There’s something incredibly satisfying about a finite piece of work, even though that doesn’t mean you (I) Read more…

Does any writing count as ‘writing’?

I’ve been wondering this recently as I run workshops in lots of different kinds of writing; report writing, reflective, case studies, expressive, writing better emails… and it made me wonder about the value of just, well, getting any words down. One of the things I pass on to people who Read more…

Taking off…

I’ve been thinking and talking with other writers, and some non-writers, or would-be-writers-if-they-could-stop-prevaricating-and-just-get-on-with-it…. about- Getting on with writing! It’s taken me ages to learn what works best for me, and these can be narrowed down to: Works for me. Take off every time.

Autumnal writing…

This week, I have been going to new places with both writing and exploring the countryside for inspiration, and one feeds into the other. It’s a circular thing in fact; I write a bit, I go out and see or hear something that inspires me, I write about it, regardless Read more…